Last Sunday, as I sat in Church, I couldn't help but feel the love for my Heavenly Father. It was one year ago on Sunday that Little Miss Shana was sealed to us for eternity. My emotions ran high on Sunday, as I cried as we sang in primary, "I am trying to be live Jesus",

I am having a hard time balancing life right now and that song totally hit me. I need to remember the bigger picture and that he knows and he is going to take care of me if I just try to be like him.

I love this little one with all my heart. She completes our family like no other. She keeps us on my toes and her smile keeps us remember how truely grateful we are to have her in our lives.

My hubby, he is so busy and a hard worker, recently I have taken him for granted. I am so grateful that I married my best friend, the love of my life and the best father to our child. I have been hard on him with being gone a lot with his calling in the church and I am promising to him right now, so you all can remind me, that I will not give him anymore crap about not doing the dishes or taking out the garbage. Shhhhhh, lets not tell him and see if he notices. LOL.
As I think of how much he has blessed me in my life and the wonderful people that he has placed in my life to teach me lessons. I have more recently be thinking about my blessing I have received and my life, as a co-worker of mine has posted on her blog about "No Feet" , I know where is she is on the aspect in life and how it feels. There are difference aspect of everyone's lives that they feel like they have No Shoes but then you see the big picture and the people with No Feet. Great point, thanks so much Haley. Love ya girl!